Home / Secretary's Desk / Minutes of Regular Meeting – 24 Apr. 2010

Minutes of Regular Meeting – 24 Apr. 2010


  1. DATE: 24 Apr. 2010
  2. PLACE: Ryan’s Grill Buffet & Bakery, 3000 S Ferdon Blvd (US 85), Crestview, Fla.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Thirty-three persons attended, of which 22 were association members, and 11 were spouses and guests.

a. General: Meeting convened at 0930, and everyone was welcomed into fellowship.
b. Announcements:

  • Killed in Action:
    • TSgt Adam K. Ginett, 19 Jan. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
  • Wounded in Action:
    • SrA Josh Labott, 19 Jan. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.
  • Final Shots:
    • Doloris Dobbing, spouse of Bill Dobbing, LR-893, 7 Feb. 2010, Alzheimer’s.
    • James Keele Sr., CDE-332, 11 Jan. 2009, Parkinson’s.
    • Bill McLean, RDE-231, 10 Dec. 2009, cancer.
    • Gary Lingle, CDE-329, 19 Feb. 2010, ALS.
    • Robert C. Edgar, LCDE-116, 12 Mar. 2010, while undergoing by-pass surgery.
    • Charles T. Hoskins, RDE-119, 8 Sep. 2009, cause unknown.
    • Irene L. Kaminski, spouse of Emiljan Kaminski, LCDE-250, cancer.
    • Raymond E. Tallent, RDE-088, 13 Apr. 2010, cause unknown.
    • Dominic A. Ciocca, non-member, 15 Apr. 2010, cause unknown.
    • William “Del” Dauciunan, LCDE-373, 16 Apr. 2010, apparent heart attack.
  • General:
    • 2010 3rd Creek EOD Gathering.
    • EOD Memorial Foundation looking for Scholarship Committee volunteers (details attached).
    • 2010 EOD Memorial Ceremony and Ball: 1 May 2010, with auction on evening of 30 Apr. 2010. This year we are sponsoring three wounded warriors: TSgt Christopher Frost, TSgt Michael Williams, & SSgt David Flowers.

c. Old Business:
(1) Minutes of the 16 Jan. 2010 Regular Meeting. Minutes were read and discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as read. (CLOSED)

(2) Treasurer’s Report: (as of 31 Mar. 2010): The following EOY treasurer’s report was presented and discussed:

Checking Account

Beginning Bal: 1 Jan. 2010 $4,025.86
Deposits +$44,164.32
Sub-Total $48,190.18
Expenses -$44,614.70
Sub-Total $3,575.48
Check Bal: 31 Dec. 2009 $3,575.4

Check Account Cash Balance (2010 1st Qtr)

Total Income: (2010) $48,190.18
Total Expenses (2010) -$44,614.70
Cash Bal: 31 Dec. 2010 $3,575.48

1st Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Jan. 2010 $39,536.04
Deposits: $7,237.85
Interest Year to Date: +$22.89
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $46,796.78
Withdrawal: Bldg Cnst/Software: -$27,675.95
BEF MMF Total: $19,120.83
Bank Statement Bal: $19,120.83

2nd Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $4,897.20
BOC Fund: $8,960.00
H&H Fund: $1,912.00
Adv. Paid Dues: $14,320.97
Reunion Fee Funds: $5,461.35
MBI Patch Sales $1,330.00
MBI Coin Sales $340.00
Interest Year to Date: $54.24
G/S MMF Total: $37,275.76
Bank Statement Bal: $37,275.76

Check Account Cash Balance

2. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $5,221.20
BOC Fund: $8,960.00
H&H Fund: $1,883.50
Adv. Paid Dues: $13,995.97
Reunion Fee Funds: $5,461.35
MBI Patch Sales $1,330.00
MBI Coin Sales $330.00
Interest Year to Date: $26.49
G/S MMF Total: $37,208.51
Bank Statement Bal: $37,208.51

2nd Qtr/2009 Investments & Assets Summary

3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 31 Mar. 2010):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $11,012.09
b. Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund: $30,261.71
Vanguard Accounts Total: $41,273.80
Investments Total $97,603.14

EODMBI Property Assets

Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Construction Cash Value Investment: +$174,481.00
Property Value: $234,481.00
Mortgage Bal.: -$62,867.00
Total Property Value: $171,614.00
Checking Acct Bal: $3,575.48
MBI Net Worth (a/o 31 Mar. 2010): $272,792.62

Following the reading of the treasurer’s report a motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the report as presented. (CLOSED)

(3) Membership Status Report: (as of 31 Mar. 2010).
(a) Active Membership Totals: Lifetime: 294; Associate: 21; Charter: 105; Regular: 343; Surviving Spouse: 123; Corporate: 6; for a total of 892 members. (CLOSED)

(4) Committee Reports:
(a) Outreach Committee: During the period 1 Jan. – 31 Mar. 2010, the association expended $3,295.41, for charitable donations in memory of fallen members, families of Air Force EOD KIA, support for wounded warriors, and numerous flower and plant arrangements and cards that were sent as support to members and member spouses who found themselves in distress during this period. (CLOSED)

(b) 2009 Reunion Report: Gary Johnson reported planning is on track, and that the reunion contract was signed. Room reservations must be made by 10 Oct. 2010, and their pricing is being held to the same as charged in 2009. Menu pricing will be provided shortly, but no increase in member registration fees is anticipated from that charged in 2009. In sum, planning is moving forward with no problems experienced. (CONTINUING)

(c) 2009 Reunion Financial Report: Total income was $16,267.00. Expenses came to $14,447.06. The balance of $1,819.94 was deposited to the General Savings Reunion Fund for use during Reunion 2010. (CLOSED)

(d) Association Building Committee Report: Jack McMasters reported the building is complete. An extension to the patio has been added out back. We will need to cover the costs of utilities, insurance, etc. Inputs are encouraged as to how we can make these decisions. Cost of painting was $345.00, cabinets and total kitchen costs were less than $1,100.00. (CONTINUING)

d. New Business:
(1) Use of New MBI HQ Building: Following discussions a motion was made, seconded and carried to hold the July EODMBI quarterly meeting at the new building. Menu will consist of coffee, tea, and pastries. (CLOSED)

e. Open Discussions:
(1) CMSgt Hodges briefed the membership on the fact that the basic EOD course is now longer with emphasis on physical fitness. It is moving to Sheppard AFB by March 2011 with the new pt standards. Chief Hodges also distributed an EOD recruiting trifold.

f. “Half & Half” Raffle. Raffle total came to $57.00, of which $28.00 was won by Eleanor Davis who graciously donated her share of the winnings back to the BEF.

g. Presentations: Don and Ceil Lacey were presented with BEF One Square Foot certificates in honor of and appreciation for their donation of the flagpole for the new MBI HQ building.

h. Adjournment Activities:
(1) Location/Time of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 17 Jul. 2010, 0900, at the new MBI HQ building, 716 Crestview Ave., Niceville, Fla.

(2) Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1100.

Respectfully submitted:

Marshall B. Dutton

About Vinci-Admin Account

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