Home / Secretary's Desk / Minutes of Regular Meeting – 18 July 2009

Minutes of Regular Meeting – 18 July 2009


  1. DATE: 18 Jul. 2009
  2. PLACE: Ryan’s Grill Buffet & Bakery, 3000 S Ferdon Blvd (US 85), Crestview, Fla.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Twenty-seven persons attended, of which 19 were association members, and 6 were spouses and guests.

a. General: Meeting convened at 0930, and everyone was welcomed into fellowship.

b. Announcements:

  • (1) Final Shots:
    • Kathi Mayo, spouse of Bob Mayo, C-218, 16 Apr. 2009, lung problems.
    • Ward A. Weaver, CDE-306, 26 Feb. 2006, cause unknown.
    • Eric D. Martin, CDE-247, 10 Apr. 2009, complications from brain aneurysm.
    • Jimmy Hicks, non-member, 27 Apr. 2009, esophageal cancer.
    • Robert E. Unselt, RDE-269, 13 Nov. 2001, cause unknown.
    • Willis L. Cohu Jr., ADE-002, 18 May 2009, cause unknown.
    • Martha Burchett, spouse of Steve Burchett, R-515, 5 Jun. 2009, long fight with cancer.
    • Emiljan Kaminski, LCDE-250, 18 Jun. 2009, liver tumor.
    • Orlando L. Busby, RDE-025, 31 May 2009, lung cancer.
    • Homer C. Clark, CDE-248, 13 Mar. 2009, esophageal cancer.
    • Robert L. Smith Jr., LRDE-186, 3 Jul. 2009, complications from diabetes.

Following the reading of the above Jack McMasters offered a prayer of support for all.

  • General:
    • 2010 3rd Creek EOD Gathering.

c. Old Business:
(1) Minutes of the 18 Apr. 2009 Regular Meeting. Minutes were read and discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as read. (CLOSED)
(2) Treasurer’s Report: (as of 30 Jun. 2009): The following treasurer’s report was presented and read into the record: (CLOSED)


Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2009 $10,351.28
Deposits +$41,519.50
Sub-Total $51,870.78
Expenses -$27,416.82
Bank Statement Bal. a/o 30 Jun. 2009: $24,453.96
Check Book Bal. a/o 30 Jun. 2009: $24,453.96

Check Account Cash Balance

Total Income: (2009) $73,199.87
Total Expenses (2009) -$48,745.91
Cash Bal: 30 Jun. 2009 $24,453.96

2nd Qtr/2009 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2009 $5,130.26
Deposits $21,530.00
Interest Year to Date: +$11.34
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $26,671.60
Bank Statement Bal: $26,671.60
2. Compass Bank BEF CD: $36,291.30
BEF Total: $62,962.90
3. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $4,716.20
BOC Fund: $7,909.00
H&H Fund: $1,385.50
Adv. Paid Dues: $11,197.00
Reunion Fee Funds: $4,272.97
MBI Patch Sales $1,210.00
MBI Coin Sales $170.00
Interest Year to Date: $807.17
G/S MMF Total: $31,667.84
Bank Statement Bal: $31,667.84
4. Vanguard Accounts:
a. MBI Bond Funds Balance: $44,300.91
LTM Dues: $51,693.67
Balance Remaining: -$7,392.76
MBI Bond Fund Balance: $44,300.91
b. MBI Heroes Fund Bond Fund: $20,834.72
Vanguard Accounts Total: $65,135.63
Investments Total $159,766.37

EODMBI Property Assets

Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Checking Acct Bal: $24,453.96
MBI Net Worth (a/o 30 Jun. 2009): $244,220.33

Following the reading of the treasurer’s report a motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the report as presented. (CLOSED)

(3) Membership Status Report: (as of 31 Mar. 2008).
(a) Active Membership Totals: Lifetime: 281; Associate: 22; Charter: 111; Regular: 303; Surviving Spouse: 118; Corporate: 5; for a total of 840 members. (CLOSED)

(4) Committee Reports:
(a) Outreach Committee: During the period 1 Apr. – 30 Jun. 2009, the association expended $3,301.93, for charitable donations in memory of fallen members and support for wounded warriors, and numerous flower and plant arrangements, and cards that were sent as support to members and member spouses who found themselves in distress during this period. (CLOSED)

(b) 2008 Reunion Report: Jack McMasters reported he hopes to have a continental breakfast at the new EOD MBI building and then to the new Eglin EOD building. Sunday picnic will be at the CE pavilion. (CONTINUING)

(c) Association Building Committee Report: Jack McMasters reported the groundbreaking and signing the contract had been accomplished. The contractor is pulling permits for ground clearing. Jack and George Hughes met with the contractor regarding building changes. Preliminary drawings are expected this coming week. It was discovered that the City of Niceville is planning a city sewer system installation near our building location. As a result, plumbing will be for both a sewer system or septic to facilitate sewer hookup at later date. He asked everyone to be thinking about how to display historical memorabilia. Jack also noted that Kathy Calhoun has volunteered to furnish the building’s front door and Tammy Smith is providin an EOD Badge stained glass window for the door. (CONTINUING)

d. New Business:
(1) No new business was conducted.

e. Open Discussions:
No open discussions were conducted.

f. “Half & Half” Raffle. Raffle total came to $71.00, of which $35.50 was won by Jack McMasters who graciously donated his winnings back to the BEF.

g. Adjournment Activities:
(1) Location/Time of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 17 Oct. 2009 at 0900, at Ryan’s Grill Buffet & Bakery, 3000 S Ferdon Blvd (US 85), Crestview, Fla.
(2) Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1100.

Respectfully submitted by,

Marshall B. Dutton
Minutes read and approved at the 17 Oct. 2009 association regular meeting.

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