Home / Secretary's Desk / Minutes of Regular Meeting – 16 October 2010

Minutes of Regular Meeting – 16 October 2010


  1. DATE: 16 October 2010
  2. PLACE: MBI HQ, 716 Crestview Ave., Niceville, Fla.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Thirty-four persons attended, of which 21 were association members, and 10 were spouses and guests.

a. General: Meeting convened at 0930, and everyone was welcomed into fellowship.
b. Announcements:

  • Killed in Action:
    • SrA Michael J. Buras, 21 Sep. 2010, IED explosion , Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    • SrA Daniel J. Johnson, 5 Oct. 2010, IED explosion, Kandahar, Afghanistan
  • Wounded in Action:
    • SSgt Keith Schulz, 25 Aug. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    • SrA Nathan Gopoian, 25 Aug. 2010, IED explosion in Afghanistan.
    • TSgt Cory T. Kemp, 21 Sep. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    • SSgt Jermaine R. Kindred, 21 Sep. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    • TSgt Benjamin Horton, 22 Sep. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
    • TSgt Robert G. Butler, 5 Oct. 2010, IED explosion in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
  • Final Shots:
    • Howard C. Gerken, CDE-126, 21 Mar. 2010, cause unknown.
    • Judy Tielebein, S-020, spouse of Al Tielebein, 17 Apr. 2008, following long illness.
    • Claire “Tom” Mix, RDE-354, 10 Aug. 2010, suspect cancer.
    • Keo Gustafson, spouse of Kurt Gustafson, C-075, 12 Sep. 2010, colon/liver cancer.
    • Elizabeth Witt, SDE-148, spouse of John Witt, RDE-242, 30 Jun. 2010, cause unknown.
    • Angela Heuer, spouse of Hubert Heuer, A-012, 10 Oct. 2010, following a long battle with cancer.
    • TSgt Jeremy D. Gibson, non-member, 11 Oct. 2010, cause unknown.
  • General:
    • Christmas Care paakages will be mailed to the combat troops shortly. Donations to the Care package postage fund are needed.

c. Old Business:
(1) Minutes of the 24 Apr 2010 and 17 Jul 2010 EOD MasterBlasters Regular Meetings. Minutes were read and discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as read. (CLOSED)

(2) Treasurer’s Report (as of 30 Jun 2009 and 30 Sep 2010): The following treasurer’s reports were presented and read into the record, and are provided at attachment 1 and 2 to these minutes. Following the reading of the treasurer’s reports a motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the report as presented. (CLOSED)

(3) Membership Status Report: (as of 30 Sep. 2010): Active Membership Totals: Lifetime: 299; Associate: 21; Charter: 104; Regular: 399; Surviving Spouse: 125; Corporate: 6; for a total of 954 members. (CLOSED)

(4) Committee Reports:
(a) Outreach Committee: During theperiod 1 Jul. – 30 Sep. 2010, the association expended $2,484.00, for charitable donations in memory of fallen members, families of Air Force EOD KIA, support for wounded warriors, and numerous flower and plant arrangements and cards that were sent as support to members and member spouses who found themselves in distress during this period. (CLOSED)

(b) 2010 Reunion Report: Gary Johnson reported everything is moving along smoothly. Room reservations need to be made no later than 22 Oct 2010. (CONTINUING)

(c) Association Building Committee Report: No new information this period. (CONTINUING)

d. New Business:
(1) Uses of MBI Hq Building: Subject was discussed and the following moved and approved: Building may be used for wedding receptions, retirements, potluck dinners ;etc. If wives are interested in a coffee club, Jack McMasters and Gary Johnson volunteered to do the cooking. It was suggested that Capt K+10 be contacted to get a roster of active duty personnel to try to develop a wives’ auxiliary.

e. Open Discussions:
(1) Pat Kuhn requested that any scrap paper or unused meeting materials be passed to her for recycling.
(2) Anyone interested in communicating with Air Force EOD wounded warriors please contact the association secretary for current addresses.

f. “Half & Half” Raffle. Raffle total came to $81.00, of which $40.50 was won by Joe Young who graciously donated his winnings back to the BEF.

h. Adjournment Activities:
(1) Location/Time of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 15 Jan 2011. at 0900, HQEODMBI, Niceville, FL. (2) Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1120.
Respectfully submitted by,

Respectfully submitted by,

Marshall B. Dutton
Minutes read and approved at the 15 January 2011 association regular meeting.

2nd Qtr/2010 Treasury Report (as of 30 Jun. 2010)

Checking Account

Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2010 $3,575.48
Deposits +$18,508.96 Sub-Total $22,084.44
Expenses -$17,732.45
Sub-Total $4,351.99
Check Bal: 30 Jun. 2010 $4,351.99

Check Account Cash Balance (2010 2nd Qtr)

Total Income: (2010) $66,699.14
Total Expenses (2010) -$62,347.15
Cash Bal: 30 Jun. 2010 $4,351.99

2nd Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2010 $19,120.83
Deposits: $3,627.50
Interest Year to Date: +8.47
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $22,756.80
Withdrawal: Bldg Insur/Loan Prmt: -$4,516.96
BEF MMF Total: $18,239.84
Bank Statement Bal: $18,239.84

2nd Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

2. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $4,897.20
BOC Fund: $8,960.00
H&H Fund: $1,912.00
Adv. Paid Dues: $14,320.97
Reunion Fee Funds: $5,461.35
MBI Patch Sales $1,330.00
MBI Coin Sales $340.00
Interest Year to Date: $54.24
G/S MMF Total: $37,275.76
Bank Statement Bal: $37,275.76

Check Account Cash Balance

Total Income: (2009) $73,199.87
Total Expenses (2009) -$48,745.91
Cash Bal: 30 Jun. 2009 $24,453.96

2nd Qtr/2009 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2009 $5,130.26
Deposits $21,530.00
Interest Year to Date: +$11.34
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $26,671.60
Bank Statement Bal: $26,671.60
2. Compass Bank BEF CD: $36,291.30
BEF Total: $62,962.90

2nd Qtr/2009 Investments & Assets Summary

3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 30 Jun. 2010):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $11,984.11
3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 30 Jun. 2010):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $11,984.11
b. Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund: $24,404.68
Vanguard Accounts Total: $36,388.79
Investments Total $91,904.39

EODMBI Property Assets

Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Construction Cash Value Investment: +$174,481.00
Property Value: $234,481.00
Mortgage Bal.: -$61,016.54
Total Property Value: $173,464.46
Checking Acct Bal: $4,351.99
MBI Net Worth (a/o 30 Jun. 2010): $269,720.84

Respectfully submitted:

Marshall B. Dutton

3rd Qtr/2010 Treasury Report (as of 30 Sep. 2010)

Checking Account

Beginning Bal: 1 Jul. 2010 $4,351.99
Deposits +$26,009.87
Sub-Total $30,361.86
Expenses -$27,711.36
Sub-Total $2,650.50
Check Bal: 30 Sep. 2010 $2,650.50

Check Account Cash Balance (2010 3rd Qtr)

Total Income: (2010) $92,709.01
Total Expenses (2010) -$90,058.51
Cash Bal: 30 Jun. 2010 $2,650.50

3rd Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Jul. 2010 $18,239.84
Deposits: $9,765.32
Interest Year to Date: +14.68
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $28,019.84
Withdrawal: Bldg Insur/Loan Prmt: -$4,697.90
BEF MMF Total: $23,321.94
Bank Statement Bal: $23,321.94
2. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $4,164.55
BOC Fund: $8,020.00
H&H Fund: $1,955.00
Adv. Paid Dues: $12,630.97
Reunion Fee Funds: $10,391.35
MBI Patch Sales $1,380.00
MBI Coin Sales $370.00
Interest Year to Date: $80.97 G/S
MMF Total: $38,992.84
Bank Statement Bal: $38,992.84
3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 30 Sep. 2010):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $13,134.45
b. Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund: $27,155.59
Vanguard Accounts Total: $40,290.04
Investments Total $102,604.82

EODMBI Property Assets

Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Construction Cash Value Investment: +$176,869.90
Property Value: $236,869.90
Mortgage Bal.: -$59,881.28
Total Property Value: $176,988.62
Checking Acct Bal: $4,351.99
MBI Net Worth (a/o 30 Sep. 2010): $283,945.43

Respectfully submitted:

Marshall B. Dutton

About Vinci-Admin Account

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